How to know if Highlands is evacuating for Hurricane Sandy aka Frankenstorm

A few ways to know if Highlands is going to evacuate for Frankenstorm or you should move to higher ground:

 Sign up for reverse 911  I can’t guarantee you’ll get the call, (I don’t always get mine & I’m signed up) But if you *do* get a call to evacuate – maybe you should evacuate Highlands

You hear this sound it means Imminent Severe Weather Conditions and you should think about evacuating Highlands

If you hear the Highlands Police drive by and tell you to evacuate via loud speaker, you should think about evacuating Highlands

If you go outside your house and there are absolutely no cars but yours, you should think about evacuating Highlands

Remember, if you hear all these warnings and the water hits your window, nobody coming to get you, so leave before.

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